Real Peace in an Unprecedented Season

Mar 19, 2020

As we all make the necessary daily adjustments to the new social norms and alter every aspect of our lives in reaction to this virus, I was reminded during my morning quiet time, that suffering and trials are part of God’s will and plan for us.

In Paul’s letter called Romans, he writes in Chapter 5, verses 3-5: “We know that suffering creates endurance, endurance creates character, and character creates confidence. We’re not ashamed to have this confidence, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”

So, Dear Friends, be very wise, be thankful, pray, serve others, and be at peace knowing that this unprecedented season will end, and this suffering will serve as a reminder of God’s love and amazing grace.

Warmest regards and #presson,


P.S. If I can help you in any way, please message me at any time.
